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09:00 - 17:00

Surgical Training and Research Laboratory


Venue (lecture hall)

“George Berci” Sebészeti Gyakorló és Kutató Laboratórium („George Berci” Surgical Training and Research Laboratory)


2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
GPS coordinates: North 47.497805, East 18.753193

“George Berci” Surgical Training and Research Laboratory of Department of Surgical Research and Techniques, Semmelweis University is located in Herceghalom (30 km from Budapest). It was opened in 2012 by Professor George Berci, and is dedicated to multispecialty research, education and training focused on minimally invasive techniques. Participants will be transferred from Hotels to the site and back by shuttle bus.

Registration fees

The following fees apply (incl. 27% Hungarian VAT)
Registration fee: 290 €

Registration fees to be payed to:
IBAN Bank account: HU65117320022041595600000000 OTP Bank
Swift code: OTPVHUHB

Please note that only limited numbers of candidates are accepted for the symposium and the payment of registration fee is needed for the finalization of the application.

Course description

This skills-based program involves a progress of exercises and training models designed to teach basic techniques, technical nuances and overall strategy of advanced laparoscopic suturing and knotting techniques. Special features include skill standards (technical quality and performance time), fluently choreographed movements, „economy of motion” principles and „flawless techniques”. The porcine lab will provide extensive hands-on experience.

Hands on Technical Skill Program with brief lectures and personal demonstration is just before each exercise.

Animals used for training are treated in accordance with the regulations of FELSA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association).


This course aims to provide theoretical and practical advices regarding:

  • selection of laparoscopic instrumentation, needle designs and suture materials,
  • needle handling techniques: loading and adjusting,
  • needle driving techniques,
  • interrupted and continuous suturing.

Target audience

This course is designed for specialists and/or future specialists with an interest in laparoscopic surgery.

Practical information

The official language of the course is English.

Participants will obtain a certificate of attendance.


Prof. Dr. György Wéber M.D. PhD. – Institute Director, Department of Surgical Research and Techniques, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Zoltán Szabó PhD. – F.I.C.S. Director, Microsurgery and Operative Endoscopy Training Institute, San Francisco, California, USA


08:00 – 08:30  Participants collected from hotels and transferred to „George Berci” ” Surgical Training and Research Laboratory

09:00 – 10:20  Welcome and Introduction
Lecture: Laparoscopic suturing (Z. Szabó)
Suture materials (TBN)

10:20 – 10:50  Coffee-break

10:50 – 13:00  Inanimate lab: Practice on fresh animal tissue
Colpotomy, Cuff suturing-horizontal/vertical

13:00 – 13:30  Lunch

13:30 – 16:30  Animate lab: Colpotomy, Cuff suturing-horizontal/vertical,
Myomectomy, Sacral colpopexy/mesh suturing

16:30 – 17:00  Vessel  sealing instruments with ultrasound and advanced bipolar technique
(M. Szöllősi – Product Manager, Johnson and Johnson)

 17:00  Adjourn

For registration please use form:

    * mandatory fields



    First Name*

    Prefix (e.g. von, de)

    Last Name*

    Title after (e.g. MD, PhD)

    Phone (excl. international dialing code)*


    This e-mail address will be used for any correspondence, e.g. confirmation and billing.





    Zip Code*



    I sign up the 'Laparoscopic suturing technics' precongress workshop*
    Registration fee: 290 €

    I hereby declare that I do consent the collected data being kept secure by HSGE and used for purposes in association with this conference only. There will be no transmission to uninvolved third parties.
    Yes, I agree with the secure data statement*